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Java vs. PHP: Battle Royale of Web Development Languages

java vs php

The most challenging task for any developer while starting their startup is to choose a programming language that suits their project well. Especially those who do not have much technical knowledge and expertise find it challenging to understand the functions of different programming languages, compare them and make a decision. 

There is a list of programming languages known for developing great apps, but two of them outshine the others. We are talking about Java and PHP here. Since different projects have different requirements, choosing between Java and PHP also becomes challenging for many. So, how to decide between Java vs. PHP for web development? You will get the answer to this question soon in this article. So, hang in there! 

Both Java and PHP have a range of advantages and disadvantages to their credit, and therefore, it’s common for entrepreneurs to get confused between the two. This article is supposed to focus on Java vs. PHP in terms of their functions, differences, and more. However, first we will look at some interesting facts about these programming languages. 

So, what’s interesting in PHP? 

So, let’s begin with PHP first. PHP is a server-side scripting language that has earned global recognition all these years. It doesn’t need any introduction as giants like Amazon, Facebook, and Wikipedia are using PHP. Moreover, there are thousands of other top websites that use PHP to develop top-notch web apps. 

PHP’s can be embedded in HTML code, making the web page more dynamic. Additionally, it allows you to shorten HTML code and make it easier to handle. Moreover, collecting, processing, and utilizing data using PHP data is smooth and straightforward. Apart from it, there are many PHP development trends that compel businesses to choose PHP programming language for their businesses.

According to Statista, the most popular technology skill in the PHP tech stack is PHP 7, which is chosen by around one-third of the respondents. 

What’s interesting in Java? 

Java, on the other hand, is a long-lasting programming language that has become a go-to language for many software developers. Java has unique portability and compatibility to operate on any operating system. It was released back on May 23, 1995, and today, it has become one of the secure, simple, and robust programming languages for developing high-quality web apps. 

Java has several advantages such as better speed, security, and dependability. As a result, it’s widely used around the world to create programs for computers, game consoles, mobile phones, data centres, and other devices.

Moreover, Java was one of the top five widely used programming languages in 2021, as per a report by Statista. If you are wondering why you should use Java for your web application development, check out this detailed blog. 

Java vs. PHP- which one is the ultimate winner? 

Java vs. PHP battle is never-ending, but we are here with this article to bring out the differences between both by comparing them. And, how are we going to compare them, you ask? Well, we will compare them on the basis of a few common factors and see which one wins in each of them. So, ready to get along with us? Let’s begin! 

Ease of coding and speed

Java is an object-based programming language and, therefore, uses different threads to manage the codes efficiently. In contrast to this, PHP has better potential for coding and memory consumption. 

If we talk about speed, PHP enables faster coding than Java. Moreover, the time consumed for coding on PHP is also less than in Java. 

Thus, we understand that PHP wins when it comes to coding and speed. 


If we compare PHP vs. Java performance, it could get a little tricky. The reason is that both programming languages have different foundations for codes. In Java, the codes get pre-compiled into bytecode, whereas PHP requires more time to comply with bytecode than Java. 

Although optimization has been done in both Java and PHP, Java offers more optimized performance as compared to PHP. 

Hence, the winner of performance between PHP and Java is Java as it provides better performance and optimization than PHP.


Java is an object-oriented programming language that is compiled into bytecode and runs on JVM. This makes Java safe as it keeps the system secure from several attacks and bugs.

PHP, on the other hand, is an interpreted language that is compiled into bytecode and then interpreted into a runtime engine. 

When it comes to security, no business can afford to take any risk, and therefore, we give extra points to Java for being more secure than PHP. 


From the design perspective, Java is a compiled language and, therefore, faster than PHP. However, when these two languages are put beside each other, PHP is faster than Java on the web.

Since PHP is designed for the web, it is the most advanced server-side programming language. 

Thus, in terms of design, PHP is ahead of Java as PHP is more suitable for the corporate network. 

Cost of development 

Here comes the most crucial factor of comparison between Java vs. PHP for web development. Java is not a free or open-source programming language, and therefore, one needs to buy a license to use the Java programming language. This license then results in increased development costs. 

As compared to Java, PHP is completely free and open-source, and thus, there’s no need to pay any license fee to use PHP. This makes PHP less expensive than most other programming languages. 

It’s pretty clear from the points above that Java development cost is higher than PHP development cost. 

Let us see what PHP and Java are good at with a quick comparison between the both

Interpreted Compiled 
Executed on the server Executed on the client’s machine 
Cheaper to develop Better debugging tools 
Easier to customize Set of APIs 
Faster for web apps Faster for complex projects
Suitable for small and medium projects Suitable for large projects
Created for web development Suitable for general purpose 

Hire experts Java and PHP developers from the renowned software development company

If you are wondering which software development company is apt to hire PHP developers and expert Java developers, you can connect to us and discuss your project vision with us. We use the best PHP development tools and make sure to develop high-quality, robust apps. Moreover, our Java developers are well-versed with the best Java tools and trends. Our developers know how to hire Java developers, focusing on every minor detail of the project. So, speak to us about your unique project ideas, and let us work our charm to offer great development solutions to you.

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