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Diabetes Tracker App Development
On-Demand Apps

Be A Leader Of Everyday Health With Diabetes Tracker App Development

Sanjay Kidecha,

For many of us, this first week of the new year has felt like a cleanse – a reboot: no booze, no snacking, no excuses. Without your favorite sparkly beverage in hand, you’ve probably found yourself fantasizing about what you’ll indulge in when the diet is over.

So, diabetes is one of the most significant health issues in the world today. Unfortunately, tracking blood glucose levels and other medical information can be painful. But technology experts who went through or saw their loved ones suffering from the same pain couldn’t just sit. They leverage and develop a diabetes tracker app specifically to solve these problems.

Such tech geeks observe the most excruciating pain that people with diabetes face. For example, monitoring glucose levels regularly without fail. You must know that when you have diabetes, sometimes it’s hard to tell if you are controlling it properly.

So, what’s the solution? Diabetes Tracker app development! The diabetes tracker mobile app almost transforms your device into a blood glucose testing machine, food diary, and records all the important facts about your diabetes. It’s an easy way to keep track and improve your diet.

Consequently, diabetes management mobile applications change many diabetes-diagnosed people’s attitudes. It has improved their diet and saved a lot of money spent on expensive products.

If you have the vision to save people from painful diabetes-controlling approaches, keep reading. Because in this blog, we’re discussing how to make an app like mySugr. BTW, mySugr is a diabetes tracker app that has ranked the Top Diabetes App by Healthline 3 times and also featured in Forbes, TechCrunch, and The Washington Post.

So, let’s start with mySugr introduction, followed by features and costs to build a similar app for your country or audience. Ready? 

diabetes management app  

MySugr diabetes management app  

It’s a modern solution for people with diabetes to track and manage glucose levels in their blood. Vienna, Austria-based mySugr was founded in 2012 with a mission to make controlling diabetes “suck less.” So, to complete its mission, mySugr founders take advantage of digital products and take the stress out of aggregating diabetes-related health data. Not to mention, along with simplifying management of the chronic condition.

Moreover, mySugr offers diabetes management apps for Android and iOS and even web-based educational tools. Besides, it encompasses some gamification elements and daily goals. Such features engage users and help them stay motivated to face-off diabetes therapy compliance. 

Furthermore, its built-in Optical Character Recognition app allows users to extract data from existing and non-connected blood monitors into their smartphones. Once data is fetched, users can utilize it for their benefit.

Did I forget to mention the user-base of this coolest diabetes managing app? Well, mySugr boasts over 3 million registered users across 79 countries worldwide. And that also continues to keep on growing.

Make an App like like mySugr

How does mySugr make money?

So, the business model of mySugr is B2C— Business-to-Consumer. Meaning it connects with its end-users directly. As for making money from letting people track their diabetes, carb intake, blood pressure, insulin dose, et cetera, mySugr sells membership. Basically, there is a freemium ad-supported version and mySugr Pro subscription plans. Also, they offer their products to healthcare insurers and earn additional revenue.

Develop A Diabetes Tracker App With Features And Functionality To Gain Traction

You know there are so many logs to keep to manage your diabetes fully. You need to monitor your carbohydrate intake; track your daily activities; make sure your blood glucose (a particular kind of sugar) levels are at an appropriate level; develop healthy lifestyle habits; manage insulin levels, and check your blood sugar levels.

Thereupon, when you build an app for managing diabetes, you need a set of specific features. In addition to that, you need to make sure the app user experience and user interface are smooth, making it a simple app to use for anybody.

Diabetes Tracker App Development

Top-rated Features Your Diabetes Management App Must Have:

Personalized Logging Screen

It’s a chance to distinguish your diabetes tracker app from the first user interaction. You can do it by letting users manage the app the way it suits them best. In other words, once the user is on board, they can arrange, add, or remove fields in the app to display the stats that are important to them.

Seamless Connection With Blood Glucose Meters

Let users integrate the app with their blood glucose meter and facilitate auto-transfer data into the app via Bluetooth. Later, they can analyze their values and identify patterns with a few clicks. mySugr is compatible with tons of devices, including Google Fit and Apple Health.

Smart Search

Bring magical features like smart search to help users dig meals, activities, and notes, find patterns, and learn from all their diabetes data.

Blood Glucose Chart

Empower users with a quick overview of their blood glucose levels on the go.

Estimated HbA1c

It leverages a user’s data about daily blood sugar averages to present an estimation of their HbA1c right at the top.

Precise Reports

This one is to allow your users to generate PDF, Excel, or CSV reports right from the app to show their doctor in the next visit.

Daily Challenges

Encourage users to keep on track to tame the diabetes monster by making it playful and supportive. 

Data Security Compliance

So make sure to comply with your targeted location data encryption and security regulations, and your app meets the highest standards of security to appear as a trustworthy platform.

You can also add some features as follows:

  • Reminder to track
  • In-app Doctor consultation
  • Diet Planning
  • Physical activity management
  • Find prescribed medicine online

Read more about Medicine Delivery App Development.

Cost To Develop An App Like mySugr

How Much Investment Would Require? The Cost To Develop An App Like mySugr

Some factors cannot be overlooked when it comes to diabetes tracker app development costs. From hiring mobile developers with a high specialization in diabetes management app development to app features, device integration, technologies, app design, and more aspects affect the final price.

However, if we were to ballpark a figure, then based on our work history in healthcare software, it would range between $45,000-$80,000. 

The better option is to start small at a pocket-friendly budget, consulting with an Asian mobile app development company. I won’t tell you the secret, but you’ll know once you connect with us as we are one of the promising software companies from Asia. One thing I can confidently say is that you won’t regret sharing your project with us. 🙂

The word “Diabetes” sounds frightening from its initial  

Most people living with diabetes use a combination of finger sticks and laboratory testing to monitor their glucose levels. For many, it is difficult to know or predict glucose levels without a regular fingerstick test. 

But YOU can alleviate their pain with the help of technology. And we would be honored to be your partner in the technology field. We’ll build a roadway that will lead your mission to its destination.

Sanjay Kidecha

Sanjay Kidecha is the Chief Operating Officer at Kody Technolab, where he seamlessly blends his expertise in operations, finance and technology to drive innovation and operational excellence. A passionate advocate for digital transformation, Sanjay writes extensively about how various industries can leverage technology to stay ahead. His insights on emerging trends and practical guides helps leading companies navigate this fast-paced tech world.

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